[FPP] Flashificator (complément pour FPP)

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Messages : 22930
Inscription : 9 déc. 2007, 22:30 09

[FPP] Flashificator (complément pour FPP)

Message par gibie »

Flashificator est une interface graphique (GUI = Graphical User Interface) pour faciliter l'utilisation de Flash Panorama Player (FPP). Flashificator en version béta (version 0.52) est téléchargeable gratuitement pour Windows/Mac OS X ou Linux sur le site : http://flashificator.com/

Attention il y a beaucoup de différence entre le version béta gratuite 0.52 et la future version 2.0 commerciale qui viendra dans quelques semaines/mois. La version 0.52 permet de générer un panoramique simple basique dans un environnement graphique (pas de hotspot, pas de prévisualisation). La version commerciale en cours de développement (actuellement version 1.6) permettra à un débutant de créer un projet complet avec hotspots en quelques clics et quelques minutes.

Version originale : The free version ( 0.52 ) of Flashificator is, and will continue to be very simple. Equipped only with the extreme basics needed for FPP beginners to be able to make a simple working pano in a graphical environment. No hotspot support, not even a preview window.

The first commercial version will be v.2.0, and is still in development (now at version 1.6). These are completely different versions. The free one is for demonstration purposes only (and to get newbies started in an easy manner)... while the upcoming commercial one will enable beginners to do complete projects with a few clicks of the mouse, using only minutes rather than who-knows-how-long days and nights.

Trausti Hraunfjord le développeur de Flashificator vient d'annoncer que la version finale devrait sortir avant le 18 Aout 2008. Ci-dessous une capture d'écran de la version en l'état actuel


A partir de quelques clics, il sera possible de construire de batir le tableau de navigation soit à partir des boutons que FPP fourni soit à partir de boutons personnalisés.

Ci-dessous une capture d'écran du tableau des plug-ins


Pour ceux qui comprennent l'anglais, ci-dessous copie de l'email recu de Trausti Hraunfjord
Things are still looking good on this end regarding the release. Next week (before the 18th of August) should be doable.

Here is a screenshot of the current state : http://flashificator.com/1/FFCfullScree ... xample.jpg

With a few clicks, a complete dashboard/control panel/navigation panel can be set up, either with the provided FPP standard buttons, or with your own customized ones, as you can hopefully understand from viewing the image provided in the above link.

And here a sneak-peak at the plugins panel : http://flashificator.com/1/FFCfullScree ... Folder.jpg

Not all of those will be ready with the first release, but as time allows, these will be completed and built into future updated releases, at no additional cost of course.

There are other things in the corner of the Flashificator bag as well... but that's for future revelations.

Hopefully this gives a better insight into what Flashificator is going to be like.

Should be of great help for new FPP users... and even save a lot of time for more hard-core users.

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Messages : 22930
Inscription : 9 déc. 2007, 22:30 09

Re: Flashificator (plug-in pour FPP)

Message par gibie »

Une petite vidéo de la version finale de Flashificator montrant comment il est facile d'ajouter un "lensflare" : voir lien

Pour information, l'email du développeur Trausti Hraunfjord
Here a small video of Flashificator Full in use, demonstrating the ease of use in making a lensflare. : http://flashificator.com/1/AddingLensfl ... flare.html

Everything needed to make the lensflare and change it's basic properties is on the same tab. As it is with all the other simplified plugin tabs and as it will be in the upcoming presets tabs.

There are still many loose ends to be addressed and fixed, and me only affording (hardly so) one developer to work on the project, explains why it hasn't been released yet...

When it will be released, it will most likely have a million things to be improved upon, and probably half a million bugs... but we do our best all the time to have it finished as soon as possible. Sleeping is not on the list of available options for me or the developer.

Hope you enjoy what you see... and sorry for the erratic mousemovements made... I'm not very good at keeping it on the relevant path...
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Messages : 22930
Inscription : 9 déc. 2007, 22:30 09

Re: Flashificator (plug-in pour FPP)

Message par gibie »

Trausti Hraunfjord annonce du retard pour la sortie de la version finale de Flashificator

I though (again wrongly) it could be released before today. Obviously that did not happen. In the past 2 weeks we have been plagued with garbage collection issues with FPP plugins. That being said, I have to emphasize that there is nothing wrong with the FPP plugins for their current use. The problem arises when they are to be used inside Flashificator, which is an Adobe AIR platform. For some reason the plugins don't want to unload, and that results in massive chunks of memory being eaten up every time the project reloads (which can be quite often). We have found the solution to the problem, but that will require of Denis to change the code in the plugins (adding weak references after event listeners). When that has been done, the plugins unload perfectly. I need to send Denis a package with the altered plugins and Flashificator, so he can see for himself that this is a real issue, and not something we can manage on our end without his helping hand. The only plugin that doesn't allow any garbage collection, no matter what, is the FLV player. That is not Denis' fault, but rather Adobe's lazyness to update their components with error free versions. We (my developer) will try to build a new player on this end, using only AS3 code, and not use pre-made Adobe components. According to what we have been able to gather from the net, it should result in no GC problems. For the first release it will come with support for the FPP FLV plugin, but users will be adviced not to use the FLV until they have done everything else in the project... That way they won't end up with all the memory gone into a big black hole, resulting in the puter being non-responsive.

We lost several days due to the GC issue, but even if we hadn't, there would still be enough to work on to delay the release of the project. Some of the things being done are complicated and take time to do.

The day it will be released, it will still be a half-cooked egg (in my opinion). It will be able to do most things in real time, with a lightning speed, but there will still be missing plugins, missing controls for some issues.... to name one: Default load meter will not have the controls for changing font type, font size, text color, back color etc.... I don't consider the work on this to be essential before first release, but for completing the project, it would be made at a later date. So for now the most essential features will be finished and made work as flawlessly as we can, and additional things will be made for later.

There are still bugs to be cleared out... and there is still needed time to finish off additional functions and improvements.

I wish I could afford 4-5 coders to work on the project, but that's simply not possible for my economy.

If the first version had been finished in it's original design, it would have been a big mistake, due to too many issues to mention... but that doesn't help the patience of those who are actually waiting for the damn thing to be released.

For me it is extremely important to have the project published, but I don't want to publish it with half-finished look and feel and functionality on any of the basic issues.

This is the first time I have ever been involved in software creation, and I am still learning that what might sound as s simple thing to do for the end user of the product, can take several days to put together in the code. When I have announced a release date, it has always been an honest statement, based on how things had been going prior to that time.... but still deadlines are passed again and again. I feel like a complete fool (whic I may be in any case)... when promising something that I can't deliver on. I am used to deliver on time in real life, and haven't missed an appointment or deadline due to own
shortcomings - ever. So this is terribly frustrating for me, and I know it is doubly so for those who are awaiting the release, and who are not with a finger inide the project.

By now, I understand perfectly well why there hasn't been made a complete GUI for FPP in the past; It is not a simple or easy project, and having to hire a developer to do all the coding is out of reach for most people... This has drained my budget completely over the past 8 months, but that only enforces my determination to complete it, and have it done in a way that will make the first generation of users pleased with what they get, even if it will not contain every single planned feature.

Future features, such as saving project settings for later use, will seriously improve the usability of the program and make pano-life much easier.... but the work on those and other features is not of concern right now. When the program was rewritten last month, it was prepared for such features to be made available.

So I guess that the most precise answer on release date is simply: When it is ready for release, and today wouldn't be soon enough from my point of view.

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Messages : 22930
Inscription : 9 déc. 2007, 22:30 09

Re: Flashificator (plug-in pour FPP)

Message par gibie »

Trausti Hraunfjord vient de publier une nouvelle vidéo des possibilités de Flashificator : voir lien

Quelques nouvelles de l'avancement du développement :
Ok, I had promised some of you's that at the end of this weekend I would know more about the prospects of a release date. Based on the work that could be done during the past days (and nights), I can safely say that this isn't over yet... and that really bothers me. But ... I would like you people to see where things are as of now... I have promised ease of use right from the start, and that is something I really try my best to have implemented to the program. What you are about to see, is still filled with bugs and errors, but it works well enough for this small demonstration. The bugs and errors will be eliminated, things will be made easier for the end user (me amongst others)... here is the link: http://flashificator.com/1/DashboardDem ... dDemo.html

At any point of time the project can be "Flashificated" into a complete project to be put online. That is not shown in this video.... One can also decide where the Flashificated project should be saved (which drive/partition/folder).

My biggest issue is still only affording (barely so) one single programmer to do all the hard work. I get the one liner ideas... the resulting 1000 lines of coding are his to deal with.

Ah... the yellow square on the right in the toolbox is where all information will be displayed for the Flashificator users while in "Help" mode. How it works? Hover the mouse over any component in Flashificator, and information about what this or that does, will be displayed in that square note space.

This will make things easier for people... having the tutorial (simplified) on the spot when needed.

Another thing I would like to emphasize, is that the dashboard function is actually not a plugin, but rather something belonging to the "Presets" section of Flashificator. That is an area where magic can be made with a single click of the mouse. In the future, users can come with their wishes for presets, and those can be added in the next update of the software.

If there is anyone who doubts that FPP with Flashificator will be anything but the leading software within the panoramic world, would have to be out of his/her mind. FPP is the best, even though it is complicated for normal users. With Flashificator, it will become something EVERYONE can use (given they fulfill the minimum requirements of Adobe... and then some ... it seems.... ) without knowing anything about coding or programming.

Hope you enjoy watching the screen capture... even when it is bugged and not working properly.... but as it's been said before: Things will take time.... good things will take more time.
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Messages : 22930
Inscription : 9 déc. 2007, 22:30 09

Re: Flashificator (plug-in pour FPP)

Message par gibie »

Suite à la question s'il y aura un tutorial pour la version commerciale, Trausti Hraunfjord indique que non mais qu'il y aura des espèces de bulles d'aide

In the case of Flashificator, there won't be any separate tutorial. If you have a look at the screenshots I have provided for the in-development commercial version, you will see a yellow square on the right side of the toolbox part of the program. That is the place-holder for tooltips when in help-mode. For instance if the mouse hovers over "Segments" in "Visual Quality" category of Flashificator, the following would be displayed in the yellow square:
  • Visual Quality - Segments:
    Changes panorama segmentation quality.
    A low value results in undesirable wavy lines.
    Higher value = higher visual quality = requires more from the computer
    the pano is viewed with.

With these simple tooltips showing when the user needs them, should provide the basic knowledge for making changes (apart from being able to see in real time how changes affect the pano).

Writing a technical tutorial is not easy in any way... it is doubtful that anyone refutes that claim... and I don't plan on a tutorial with Flashificator. I will try to make it as simple and easily understandable as possible, and thereby eliminate the need for tutorial backup.

As for a simple tutorial for FPP.... I don't think there is any such thing as a simple FPP tutorial floating around.

Hope this answers the question and enlightens the situation a little bit.

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Messages : 22930
Inscription : 9 déc. 2007, 22:30 09

Re: Flashificator (plug-in pour FPP)

Message par gibie »

Quelques nouvelles de Flashificator donné par Trausti Hraunfjord : la version finale devrait sortir la semaine prochaine

Plus d'informations ci-dessous :
First release of the full version of Flashificator will take place during next week.

Read more about it here: http://flashpanoramas.com/forum/showpos ... tcount=273
<<contains info on the only factors that could delay the release.

After I got the second programmer to work on the project, things have moved fast and into the right direction.

As things are now, the program is good enough to be released, with only minor issues to be taken care of (and one semi-big issue that is under control).

This time there is no way it can fail. In worst case scenario, I would publish the current version I have working on my puter... so worry not.

A découvrir aussi le forum de Flashificator avec quelques tutorials vidéos : http://www.flashificator.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=8
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Messages : 22930
Inscription : 9 déc. 2007, 22:30 09

Re: Flashificator (plug-in pour FPP)

Message par gibie »

Pas encore de sortie officielle de Flashificator (FFC pour les intimes) mais cela se prépare !

Il suffit d'aller faire un tour sur le site en construction de Flashificator pour apprendre quelques informations et le prix de la licence : 55 Euros
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Messages : 22930
Inscription : 9 déc. 2007, 22:30 09

Re: Flashificator (plug-in pour FPP)

Message par gibie »

Quelques nouvelles du développeur de Flashificator (Trausti Hraunfjord) :

Today is the day when the program is ready for publishing. The publishing itself won't take place until next week though, due to me not having gotten the adobe air certificate (financial backslashes that should be corrected next week ... that's just the sad truth of the matter).

It also gives us a few more days to test everything there is to test, and ensure a more reliable first release.

This has been a very long process (over 10 months), and way beyond anything I ever imagined it would become.... and still... this is only the beginning of the adventure. Months more of coding are already stacked up on the "to do" list, and no doubt, with the help of you, the users, lots of improvements and additions can be made available.

I am very happy to finally be able to announce the first full release, and a big sincere *thank you* goes to Denis for his full support to the project, especially in the last step where he provided the original source files for the plugins, so that these could be modified to work perfectly in FFC, and we also have his blessings to provide the altered plugins with FFC. This will make the whole installation process much easier, and users will only have to move a few of the essential FPP plugins (hotspots.swf, movDecoder.swf, pano.swf, cylConverter.swf... and a few others) to the FFC installation folder.

A massive thank you goes also towards all of those of you who haven't given totally up on the never ending story of "now it's going to be published"... and then it didn't.. :roll: I know that even though there is still much that can (and will) be better, then the first release will be considered a big evolutionary step in FPP work.. and the competition (all the other players) will have a major work to do in order to get their toes to where FPP's heels will be. Even a child can use the program without major problems, and still make a project that is fairly complicated if comparing to what is done in code or with other players.

You are welcome to visit the FFC forums and air your opinions, come with feature suggestions etc. Forums are found here: http://flashificator.com/forums a few video tutorials are there already - many more to be made.

Thank you for your time.
Messages : 2977
Inscription : 25 févr. 2008, 15:30 08

Re: Flashificator (plug-in pour FPP)

Message par FrozenjaZz »

Ca doit faire plus que ce que j'ai vu alors... A l'époque, c'était juste une GUI qui génère les fichiers XML de FPP (et FPP uniquement)...

10 mois de boulot, et 55 euros, ca doit carrément faire plus aujourd'hui, je vais aller voir ...
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Messages : 22930
Inscription : 9 déc. 2007, 22:30 09

Re: Flashificator (plug-in pour FPP)

Message par gibie »

Des nouvelles de Trausti Hraunfjord :
To keep you in the loop:

1. I will not get the certificate in time, therefore FFC's first version will be shipped without the certificate. It is a problem in terms of automatic updating not being available, but it's a problem that will be fixed.

2. Final instructions from the internet shopping service I will be using (shareit.com) arrived this morning, and I will be uploading the FFC package to their servers later on today. I recon that by thursday everything should be up and available for purchase.

3. I contacted Zephyr (Zleifr) and asked for permission to use his version of the tooltips (which might get some changes on our end), and he was kind enough to grant permission. (thank you again! ). As I understand it, there are some bugs related to the plugin... it would be very helpful to get information from those of you who know of the bugs, in order for my developers to try and find solutions.... also, suggestions for some additional features for the plugin would be welcome. Either post your suggestions/bug info here, through email or in the http://www.flashificator.com/forums thank you.

At least there is nothing threatening the publication to take place this week, and that is good. The work on the first release ended last Friday, while the work continues for the first update.

Hope all of this is good news to you folks.

Messages : 99
Inscription : 12 déc. 2007, 18:34 44

Re: Flashificator (plug-in pour FPP)

Message par bzzz »

sur le site, il est maintenant possible d'acheter ce plugin (55 euros + 9 euros pour la mise à joir pendant 24 mois - si j'ai bien compris).
Par contre on a aucune info sur ses fonctions...
Ariège360°- Panoramiques de l'Ariège
Messages : 99
Inscription : 12 déc. 2007, 18:34 44

Re: Flashificator (plug-in pour FPP)

Message par bzzz »

Sur le forum (http://www.flashificator.com/forums/vie ... 7d9c231ca4) de FFC il y a quelques vidéos sur les fonctions du plugin. Ça semble terriblement efficace pour ceux qui ne veulent pas mettre les mains dans de l'XML/Action Script 2/3...
Par contre, sur le site je n'arrive pas à connaitre l'intégralité des fonctionnalités offert par ce plugin.
Quelqu'un à testé ? :smt006
Ariège360°- Panoramiques de l'Ariège
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Messages : 22930
Inscription : 9 déc. 2007, 22:30 09

Re: Flashificator (plug-in pour FPP)

Message par gibie »

La version finale Flashificator est disponible : voir lien

Malheureusement comme FPP, il n'existe pas de version d'essai. :(

En cas d'achat, ne pas oublier de supprimer l'option proposée par défaut 'Extended Download'


Re: Flashificator (plug-in pour FPP)

Message par PEP »

Juste pour votre info, dès que Trausti se décidera à m'envoyer le fichier, je bosserai sur la traduction française. Pour le moment, aucune date n'est avancée.

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Messages : 22930
Inscription : 9 déc. 2007, 22:30 09

Re: Flashificator (plug-in pour FPP)

Message par gibie »

Pour information, une nouvelle version de Flashificator est disponible. Il s'agit de la version 2.0.12

Dans l'email d'accompagnement, Trausti Hraunfjord précise les principales fonctionalités

Project: mov - cube faces - cylindrical - vertical stripe files with a click of the mouse.
Initial starting position can be set
Home position can be set
Frame rate can be set
Ratio can be set
Max and min zoom can be set
Horizontal and/or Vertical field of view can be set
Pan and/or Tilt can be disabled
Pan key, Tilt key, Zoom key can be activated
Visual quality: Segments, Static and Motion can be adjusted
Visual behaviour: Behaviour, Friction and Threshold can be adjusted
Shrinking can be adjusted
Leash can be adjusted
Keyboard keys can be assigned for Right, Left, Up, Down, Zoom In, Zoom Out, Home and Hold Keyboard and Mouse sensitivity can be adjusted
Disabling of Keys, Wheel and Controls is available

Creation of hotspots
Naming hotspots
Easy assigning of images to hotspots
Locking position of hotspots in the panorama
Linked/Unlinked availability
Projection of hotspots to a Cylinder, Sphere, Front, Back, Left, Right, Up, Down environments
Alignment of hotspots on x and y axis
Alignment of hotspots in static alignment
Rotation of hotspots on x y and z axis
Spot and Box properties are changed with a single click
Segments for hotspots on x and y axis can be adjusted
Pan and/or Tilt of hotspot can be adjusted
Depth of a hotspot can be adjusted
Alignment of a hotspot according to the corners and sides of monitor
can be made
Static, Distorted, Scaleable, Block Mouse, Sound Panning, Use Hand
Cursor, Cache as Bitmap, Button Mode, Smoothing, Visible can all be enabled/disabled
Sound radius, Volume and Pan can be adjusted
Distance of a hotspot can be set
Shrinking of a hotspot can be managed
Frame rate for a hotspot can be adjusted
Mouse Children can be enabled/disabled
Pixel Snapping can be managed
Opacity of hotspots can be managed
Hotspots can be applied Normal, Layer, Darken, Multiply, Lighten, Screen, Overlay, Hard Light, Difference, Alpha, Erase
Background colour for a hotspot can be chosen and/or transparency applied

Hue, Brightness, Saturation, Contrast, Sharpness, Blur on x and/or y axis, Blur Quality, Tint Colour can be ajusted and set
Bevel, Distance, Angle, Quality, Blur x and/or y can be set
Bevel Highlight Colour and Shadow Colour can be chosen and adjusted
Inner, Outer, Full bevel filters properties
Knockout on/off
Glow filters: Glow, Quality, Blur x and/or y, Inner Glow, Knockout and colour can be adjusted, applied and chosen
Shadow Filters: Shadow, Distance, Angle, Quality, Blur x and/or y, Colour, Inner, Hide Object, Knockout can be adjusted, applied and chosen

You record your functions. You activate the recording with a click, apply shadows, glow, change of positions etc. etc. etc. and make functions that way. When you finish the recording, all you recorded has been put into a list. You can also manually type actions to make and paste it into the list of recorded things.
You can use Equals, Increased, Decreased, Multiplied, Divided by - give it a value, decide the time in milliseconds, choose the following transition effects: Regular, Smooth, Easy In, Easy Out, Elastic Bounce
You can attach the function to Global, Panorama and Hotspot
In Global you can determine when it fires: On Click, Load, Over, Press, Release, Start, NewPano, Activate, Deactivate, TransitionStart, TransitionEnd, EnterFullscreen, ExitFullscreen
In Panorama you can determine when it fires: On Press, Release, KeyPress
In Hotspot you can determine when it fires: On Click, Load, Over, Out, Press, Release
In reality the possibilities of created functions are endless

Autorotator can be enabled/disabled, Quality, Speed, Pause and Interval settings can be adjusted, or (FPP) Default settings can be applied
Borders can be set in real time with a single click

Dashboard consists of following navigation buttons: Infoscreen, Move Left, Move Right, Move Up, Move Down, Zoom In, Zoom Out, Auto Rotator, Fullscreen, Contrast up/down, Brightness up/down
The position of the buttons can be changed with simple dragging and dropping in the toolbox of Flashificator.
Buttons can be enabled/disabled
3 standard placements are provided: left lower corner, central bottom, right lower corner
You can provide your own customized buttons to be used with Flashificator at the click of the mouse.
Tooltips are provided for the buttons and can be enabled/disabled.
Glow color is also available, where you can change the colour.
Smartscale is present in the Dashboard as well.
Enable/Disable dashboard

FLV video player
A new video player was made for Flashificator. The interface for controlling it consists of the following:
Selecting the player
Selecting the video(s) to use
Locking position
Choosing of single button control (if the FLV control component is not chosen)
Adding additional videos
Loop, AutoStart, Hide on Stop, Show in Video list, Disable Clicking
Video can be activated/deactivated for any or all videos.
Pan alignment
Tilt alignment
Scale on x and y axis
Static x and/or y axis alignment
S-Alignment for x and/or y axis alignment
Alignment component for placement of videos on the screen's corners or middle sections in edges or center
Frame rate for video can be adjusted
Rotation on x y and z axis can be adjusted
Video scaleable/non scaleable tickbox
Distance can be adjusted
Sound settings for directional sound: Radius, Volume, Pan
Enable/Disable Sound Panning

Enable/Disable FPS

Enable/Disable Fullscreen plugin that comes with standard FPP "Open/Close" button
There will come a replacement for this plugin, where a preset will be made, enabling users to use their own "Open/Close" button images.

Select one or more lensflares from a collection of 9 lensflares
Lock Position of the lensflare
Add Another Lensflare
Blend Mode options to choose: Normal, Layer, Darken, Multiply, Lighten, Screen, Overlay, Hard Light, Difference, Alpha, Erase
Change flare colour and adjust the strength of the colour
Change the blinding colour and it's strength

FPP Normal (displaying percentages)
FPP Circular (displaying percentages)
FPP Glass (displaying progress bar with KB loaded)
FFC Glass (displaying progress bar with KB loaded and info on this being an interactive panorama with basic info on how to move and zoom in the pano
Text Denied (for changing the "Denied" message)
Text Failed (for changing the "Failed" message)
Bandwidth can be determined for the load of the pano
Loading attempts can be determined if loading fails
Text colour for the Normal loader can be changed
Loading background can be changed (from the standard green/red/grey)
Pano loading background can be made transparent
Loading of pano can be enabled/disabled
Consecutive Load can be enabled/disabled
Streamed Mode can be enabled/disabled

Choose between 2 different mp3 players.
mp3 Hotspot:
Select the source (mp3 file)
Add online radio station
Add another mp3 (as many as you want)
Lock position of the music
Sound Settings: Radius, Volume, Pan, Repeats can be adjusted
Sound Panning, Autostart, Show Controls can be enabled/disabled

mp3 Plugin is made for Flashificator and is highly flexible
Autostart/Manual start
Drag&Drop mp3 files into the playlist and manage the list by moving
songs up or down or delete them from the list
Change the mp3 button
Browse for the new button
Enter URL of an mp3 song to use
Add Radio station
Sound Settings: Volume

Select the hotspot you want to add hotspot to
Type in the text
Choose the font you desire, with all fonts on your computer available
Set the size of the text
Fade tooltip in/out ... or not
Position your tooltip on x and/or y axis
Select stroke, font and background colour for the tooltip

Poorificator (the poor-mans version of Tourificator which encountered problems with loadPano inside of the AIR platform Flashificator is built on)
This is a tool to link a hotspot (or many) to another pano or a website
First you make a hotspot and assign an image (or transparent png file) to it
Then you type in the name of your function. For example "Google"
You type in the url that should open when the hotspot is interacted with (example: http://google.com)
Click "Create as Function"
Go to "Functions" tab and decide how the hotspot should be interacted
with (on Click, Load, Over, Out, Press, Release)
Click once on the function named "Google"
Click an arrow button to move it to the "Functions Attached" list
Refresh the panorama and that's it. Clicking the button in the pano will open Google in your browser.

Enable/Disable Preview
Select Image
Select Button - to load the preview
Preview Changes (you will see how it looks)
Use original size of the image or change the size with Width and
Height measured in Pixels
This plugin may require of you to change your Flash security settings
locally, while everything will work well online without any Flash
security settings being changed.

Enable/Disable preloader
Simultaneous loads (decide how many files are loaded at the same time)
Once the Tourificator's problems have been solved, all panos in the tour would appear in the list, where you can decide which images/mov's/mp3's/videos/xml's/png's/jpg's/swf's etc. would load first and in which order.
Using this in combination with Poorificator is absolutely possible, and you can provide the URL to the images/files you want to preload.
This enables next pano to load in the background, while the user is viewing the first pano, cutting short the time people have to wait before the next pano is ready.

A few other plugins/presets that are not quite ready, but which will be made/are made will be implemented in the near future:
FPP Camera plugin
FFC Context menu
FFC Compasses
FFC Leashed Mouse
FPP Limits
FFC Nadir Cap
FFC Place an Image
FPP Smartscale
FFC Zoomificator
FFC Slideshow
FFC Tourificator
FFC Auto Presentation
FFC Google Maps implementation
Paulo's FPP Google Analytics plugin (Flashificator will be prepared
for it, users have to buy it)
David's SmartVRController (SVC) plugin (Flashificator will be prepared for it, users have to buy it)
.... and more that I have stored away for later....
Messages : 2977
Inscription : 25 févr. 2008, 15:30 08

Re: Flashificator (plug-in pour FPP)

Message par FrozenjaZz »

Mouaip, je voulais juste rappeler... ce n'est pas un "plugin pour FPP"....

C'est une appli extérieure qui tente de générer des fichiers xml pour donner à manger à FPP.

J'aimerais vraiment une version d'essai, car ce que j'en avais vu il y a un certain temps, c'était du vol pur et simple !!

Re: Flashificator (plug-in pour FPP)

Message par Florent »

ben c'est cher.... mais ça marche pas mal cette dernière version. le fait de payer maintenant, ça soutient l'auteur pour avancer encore. j'espère juste des maj pendant longtemps....

le fait est que ça permet de sortir un pano en quelques clics rapides. c'est vraiment bien pour ça.... je fais du reportage-filmage sur un circuit automobile, les gens ont 2 panos réalisés dans la matinée, que je monte du temps de midi, dispos le soir.... avec ça je gagne du temps. bref, faut le prendre pour ce que c'est :)

Re: Flashificator (plug-in pour FPP)

Message par fredgree »


Florent, c'est vrai que Flashificator change la vie quand on y goûte !!!

Franchement, l'insertion et le positionnement de vidéo en 3 clics, la simplification globale et le fait de se passer de code c'est énorme...

Ce qui va devenir encore plus énorme c'est quand d'ici quelques jours, Trausti va enfin lancer la version avec Tourificator intégré, permettant de créer des visites avancées et de faire des diaporamas dans l'animation.

Et en plus de ça, Trausti est vraiment adorable et à l'écoute en permanence des problèmes et des suggestions.

Pour moi aujourd'hui, FFC (Flashificator) est incontournable !
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Animateur défi sphérique
Messages : 6018
Inscription : 23 juil. 2008, 22:25 11

Re: Flashificator (plug-in pour FPP)

Message par Germain »

PEP a écrit :Juste pour votre info, dès que Trausti se décidera à m'envoyer le fichier, je bosserai sur la traduction française. Pour le moment, aucune date n'est avancée.
Comme tu es dans le secret des Dieux, sais-tu si Trausti a prévu une version Krpano ???????????
Sphéériquement votre! http://www.spheerique.com/
Je vais pas ajouter un aphorisme genre "quand j'avance ... etc " ou une pub de ma boite qui est la première agence 360 ... Ni une vanne à Luc... et pas non plus un bon mot qui fasse intelligent ! Ce qui me plairait c'est une coccinelle de qui est la à commenter à ma place, et pourquoi pas rédiger mes articles...
Messages : 2977
Inscription : 25 févr. 2008, 15:30 08

Re: Flashificator (plug-in pour FPP)

Message par FrozenjaZz »

fredgree a écrit : Franchement, l'insertion et le positionnement de vidéo en 3 clics, la simplification globale et le fait de se passer de code c'est énorme...
quand je vois le temps qu'on a passé, à plusieurs, pour essayer de comprendre ce qui se passait avec le code de Florent, je ne suis pas encore convaincu !!
Ce qui va devenir encore plus énorme c'est quand d'ici quelques jours, Trausti va enfin lancer la version avec Tourificator intégré, permettant de créer des visites avancées et de faire des diaporamas dans l'animation.
là, je ne dis pas, s'il génère du code correct, c'est cool. Ce qui serait sympa, c'est s'il était capable de redigérer du code qu'on a un peu modifié soi-même, mais je ne pense pas. C'est le problème de bcp de générateurs de code. Ils savent générer, mais pas relire si on a un peu touché au code généré. Hors pourtant c'est indispensable pour par exemple corriger certains bugs (dans FPP) ou prendre en compte des choses que FCC ne connait pas encore...
Et en plus de ça, Trausti est vraiment adorable et à l'écoute en permanence des problèmes et des suggestions.
c'est vrai qu'il a l'air très à l'écoute, mais c'est son intérêt, il veut qu'on lui achète son truc, et vu le prix assez fou auquel il vend son appli, y'a interet à ce que ca marche....
Quand je pense que j'utilise une application audio d'une complexité délirante (Reaper, pour ne pas la nommer), qui commence à faire de l'ombre aux "grands" du marché (Sonar, Cubase), et qu'elle coute... le meme prix (40$)...

Bon allez, je dis du mal, mais c'est aussi que je n'ai pas pu tester FCC, pas de version de démo...
Après FPP que je n'ai pas pu tester non plus, c'est bon, maintenant je veux pouvoir tester avant. Si quelqu'un a une version pour que j'essaye juste... ?

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